Cook with Ability

Cook with Ability

What is Cook with Ability?

Cook with Ability (CWA) is an optional course which is offered to all learners on the This-Ability programme. We teach young people basic cooking skills that are transferable such as numeracy, budgeting and problem solving etc.

How does it work?

The ingredients and recipes are provided which the learners collect from their pre-designated collection point. We have also created an educational site to upload demonstrational videos for the learners to follow if they struggle with reading or if they learn more through a visual approach, this is also somewhere where they can showcase the results of their achievements by uploading photos or videos of them in

Live sessions

Cook with Ability (CWA) has now expanded to include ‘live’ sessions. We have teamed up with Goodwin’s Fareshare kitchen on Sutton Fields industrial estate to bring the cooking videos to life and to get the learners to showcase the skills they have learnt whilst doing CWA at home.

Most of the food we use is sourced by Fareshare and once cooked is shared with the staff and volunteers who work there, this way our young adults will learn the importance of being sustainable by reducing food waste.